Go4TMS - Belgian Localization

par Go4Logistics NV

Local functionality for the Go4TMS - Transport Software for Belgian customers

As an enterprise in the transport sector, you’ve always got a lot to deal with at once! That’s why Go4TMS offers a complete solution: from drafting the transport file and order administration, to planning, to invoicing; in short, the management from start to finish. Go4TMS takes the specific needs of every type of transport into account.

Go4TMS saves you all that manual work and eliminates errors, not only when creating your transport files but also at the order administration process. The visual planning tool makes your planning a whole lot easier. You get the right insights at the right time, so your customers always receive their shipments on time and in the desired quality.

On top of the standard functionalities in the Go4TMS - Transport Software app to manage your transports efficiently, we added some country specific functionality for the Belgian market in this optional Go4TMS - Localization Belgium app.

The main features of the Go4TMS - Localization Belgium app support are:

  • Add the generation of an OGM Code (structured message) on Posted Sales Invoices which can be printed on your invoices for letting your customers transfer the payments of the invoices using this structured message code

  • Use of Enterprise Number (ondernemingsnummer) instead of VAT Registration No.

  • ...

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